Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Keep Winter Cold - CCAN's Polar Bear Plunge

On the morning of January 23, at least 350 people will jump into the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis to raise money and awareness for the need to stop global climate change. The Polar Bear Plunge Team asks:
What if winter were no longer cold?  What if there was little or no snow for skiing, no hard frosts to kill off insect pests or bring out the sap of a maple tree to make that delicious syrup?  How would polar bears and other animals that need the cold survive?
With climate change legislation pending in the Senate, this is an important opportunity to draw attention to alarming signs of global warming. Climate scientists report that arctic sea ice is melting faster than predicted, and that the top of the world could be free or nearly free of summer sea ice by 2013 or even earlier. This would mean almost certain extinction for polar bears - and a potentially catastrophic jolt for global climate patterns.

And so, once a year, we take this chance to get up close and personal with what winter feels like -- while we still can. Matt's taking the plunge. Will you join him, or sponsor him? The polar bears could use your help.

Need more inspiration? Check out this video from last year's plunge: