Each week, we list opportunities to get outdoors or learn about nature. Click through to the organization hosting each event for more details -- some events require registration or charge a fee.
This week's highlight: Sunday morning, the Sierra Club is leading a 5 mile hike in Montgomery County that will explore the impact of the Inter-County Connector (ICC) on the Paint Branch Watershed. "We will look at the massive current destruction/construction, and discuss the history of the ICC, impacts to local watersheds, as well as the natural beauty and ecological significance of the area. Paint Branch is unique to the area, for supporting the last remaining native brown trout population, and this is a beautiful hike. Meet at 10 am in the parking lot of Valley Mill Park (1600 Randolph Rd., Silver Spring; 0.8 mi. west of US 29, Columbia Pike). Contact leaders for Metro pick-up. Bring bag lunch to continue conversation. Leaders: Kris Unger, krisunger@gmail.com or 301/980-5621, and Mike Darzi, michael.darzi@saic.com or 301/580-9387."
Sierra Club
Sat: Seneca Creek State Park, Greenway Trail (8.8 mi)
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
Many cabin and trail crew work trips.
Tue: AT/Rose River/Big Meadows (17 mi)
Center Hiking Club
Sat: Great Falls (8 mi)
Sun: Hazel Mtn/White Rocks/Swiming hole (10 mi)
Capital Hiking Club
Wed: Woodley Park to U St. (4.5 mi)
Fri: Moonlight hike, C&O Canal (4 mi)
Sat: Harper's Ferry river tubing
Northern Virginia Hiking Club
Sat: Western Maryland Rail Bike Trail (42 mi)
Sun: Elkwallow Circuit via Piney Branch and Piney Ridge (5-11 mi)
Potomac Conservancy
Sun: Dragonfly and Damselfly Walk on the C&O Canal, followed by a barbershop quartet
Rock Creek Park
various planetarium programs
Fri: Creature Feature (all ages)
Sat: Habitat Hunt -- look for animal signs (ages 6-12)
Sun: Ranger-led horseback tour (ages 12+)
Sun: American Indian Games, Native People of the Rock Creek Valley (ages 7+)
Museum of Natural History
Daily feedings in the insect zoo and museum tours.
Tue: Hands-on activities in the Dig It! soil exhibit
Wed: Look at specimens or artifacts with a scientist in the Ocean Hall